You can find all documents on the 44th MED BDE H2F website or a packet can be picked up at the H2F HQ building. All forms must be filled out completely and turned in at the H2F HQ prior to participating in P3T.
Documents can be found under the “ENGAGED” tab, and click on P3T. Once on the P3T page, scroll down and click on “enroll here” to download all necessary documents.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday P3T is held at the H2F HQ building.
For pregnant soldiers, P3T is held from 0800-0900, and for postpartum soldiers, P3T is held from 0700-0800.
44th MED BDE pregnancy and postpartum soldiers only.
P3T Soldiers utilize a WhatsApp group chat for all communication needs.
Soldiers enroll into P3T immediately after receiving a pregnancy profile.
Yes, until 180 days postpartum.
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the primary focus is strength training. Exercises will be modified based on the Soldier’s capability and comfort level.
Tuesdays and Thursdays postpartum Soldiers will complete PT with their unit. Pregnant Soldiers will complete online classes on Tuesday and will report to their unit on Thursdays.
The primary leads for P3T are the H2F Strength and Conditioning Coaches.
Let your strength coach know that you are experiencing discomfort, and exercise scan be modified so that you are pain free during activity.